The Marinade with Jason Earle
This is the lost Episode 50 and our guest is our host Jason Earle. One of Jason's earliest thought partners for what would become The Marinade was his good friend Peter Haroldson. Peter is a kind, hilarious, and wildly intelligent guy.
When The Marinade first began, the idea of getting to episode number 50 seemed like some far off abstraction. Would anyone even care about this thing? Well, thankfully a lot of y’all do care and before long episode 50 was a reality. The plan as suggested by Peter was that episode 50 would be an interview of the host. But, at the time of number 50 Peter had moved to Minnesota and then the world shut down due to the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, in October of 2021, Jason flew to Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota and sat down on the other side of the desk to answer questions from his friend.
Special thanks to our good friend Patrick Hagerman whose tune Minneapolis is serving as the soundtrack to this episode. Patrick is hard at work on an album and we will bring you a conversation with him as soon as it is out in the world.