Van Plating
Jason Earle and Jenn Ross are covering Gasparilla Music Festival 2022. This is the second installment of Jason’s Journal which chronicles the experiences in and around the festival. To read about the lead-up to the festival, click here. For the Day 1 journal click here.
All photos by Jenn Ross Photography
I did not sleep well last night. In hindsight, yesterday’s journal went a little easy on this AirBnB host. Dude said his “Don’t Say AirBnB” rule was for our “safety.” It’s not as if I expected someone to burst through the door and take us away at any moment, but I do not like being in places I’m not welcome. Also, are we technically trespassing?
Gasparilla Music Festival (GMF) used to start a bit early in the day. The start time being pushed back a tick is nice. I am all about an 11:00 am set at a camping festival, but if I have to find parking or a ride to the venue give me more like 2:00. Which is what we are looking at today. Everything is lining up in favor of a great day. Plus, my buddy Van Plating is making her GMF debut this afternoon! Kick me out if you wanna, BnB police. Ain’t a thing to kill my vibe.
Van is playing the amphitheater, which is a special experience. It is hot and packed. She has her band with her and they are blowing through a scorching set. This is my third or fourth time seeing her and by far my favorite set. She looks like she is feeling pure bliss and the crowd is giving back the energy.
Jenn Ross is capturing stunning photos of Van and her band. It is about 15,000 degrees in the Florida sun but folks undeterred from rocking step-for-step with Van Plating.
Van Plating
Have Gun Will Travel begins at the end of Van’s set - the first of three Marinade guests who are playing GMF today. Have Gun is a bunch of pros. Well respected by fellow musicians and loved by fans. Lots of folks are mouthing along to every word. The heat is starting to impose its will. Gotta keep in mind that in an hour or two things will be perfect.
There is a blissful spot in the day on Saturday at GMF. The Spark, let’s call it. Folks have discovered a new favorite band early on and are gearing up for the headliners. We are in that pocket right now. Cha Wa has just played to a joyful crowd, many of whom look like they are not quite sure how this unique sound is supposed to move their bodies. Margo Price is about to take the GMF stage for the first time in seven years. Smiles and hugs abound.
Cha Wa
Margo’s ascent from playing a noon slot to earning an early evening draw has been a long time coming. In recent years, when artists play Florida they understandably make a political statement or two. Margo has never been one to shy away from speaking her mind about important issues. Right now is no exception. And, because you know Margo is going to do it her way, the choice to take a stance about women’s rights by covering Lesley Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” is a powerful one.
Margo Price
I would be fine if this was it for today, but GMF’s spark is burning into a flame and Band of Horses is up next. Band of Horses is the kind of artist I enjoy when they come on a station but I do not own copies of any of their music.
One song in and it seems that is going to change. These are great songs. They led with “Great Salt Lake,” which I would have considered their best known tune until hearing the rest of the set. “Is There a Ghost,” “Funeral,” the list goes on throughout the evening.
It has been a great night but I am done. Jenn still wants to get some shots of The Revivalists so I’ll wait in this pizza line and hydrate before we head back to our home for the night.
The walk back to our ScareBnB is another delight. We are pretty tired but it’s always helpful to debrief and enjoy a glass of gas station wine after a day like today. We are near exhausted but content on the sixth floor balcony. It’s not quite an hour shy of midnight. Several folks are still awake and moving about in the sister building across the street. Windows are open in many of the apartments.
There’s a pup out sniffing the air and making me nervous for his safety. A guy playing video games. And…someone watching anal porn on his huge projector screen. He’s cycling through some options. Is it okay that we are spectators in his quest? Should we look away? Can we look away?
Do I want this angle or that angle? That won’t do. Yes, there’s the winner. Two minutes after settling on the right plot my man flips to an NBA game. Keep living your best life, buddy. It’s late. I gotta get to sleep.